IBOC Technology
FM In-Band On-Channel (IBOC)
Digital Radio
The In-Band On-Channel
(IBOC) solution to replace stereo quality FM transmission with CD quality sound
using the same FM channel has had further advances in the USA. The National
Radio Systems Committee (NRSC) has evaluated the ubiquity Digital Corporations
FM IBOC System to determine the compatibility of IBOC operation with analog
reception of existing FM stations. This paper outlines the basic technical
fundamentals of IBOC, the current status of the technology and the possible
impact of IBOC on the Australian broadcasting environment.
What is IBOC
IBOC (In-Band On-Channel)1 digital radio
technology, also referred to internationally as Digital System C, facilitates
the introduction of Digital Sound Broadcasting (DSB) by allowing existing FM
stations to broadcast the same programming in analog and digital without the
need for new spectrum allocations for the digital signal.
IBOC is capable of transmitting audio
services and a variety of wireless data services. At the basic level, it will
enable broadcasters to transmit data related to digital audio programming,
including song title, artist and station information. The initial receiver
applications are expected to include the ability to display simple text
information related to audio programming. Additional data services are expected
to include the delivery of paging-like services, including traffic, weather,
sports scores, stock quotes and targeted messages.
The IBOC technology developed by ubiquity
Digital Corporation focuses on a transition to digital that works within
existing broadcasting infrastructure. The IBOC digital signal is placed within
the existing analog FM spectral emissions mask, and as a result IBOC is
proposed as the digital solution which may be implemented without the need for
new frequency allocations or without disruption to the existing broadcasting
It is proposed that
broadcasters use their existing transmission facilities and studio equipment
with only the addition of an IBOC exciter and, in limited cases, an upgrade to
the station transmitter.
What is IBOC
IBOC (In-Band On-Channel)1 digital radio
technology, also referred to internationally as Digital System C, facilitates
the introduction of Digital Sound Broadcasting (DSB) by allowing existing FM
stations to broadcast the same programming in analog and digital without the
need for new spectrum allocations for the digital signal.
IBOC is capable of transmitting audio
services and a variety of wireless data services. At the basic level, it will
enable broadcasters to transmit data related to digital audio programming,
including song title, artist and station information. The initial receiver
applications are expected to include the ability to display simple text
information related to audio programming. Additional data services are expected
to include the delivery of paging-like services, including traffic, weather,
sports scores, stock quotes and targeted messages.
The IBOC technology developed by ubiquity
Digital Corporation focuses on a transition to digital that works within
existing broadcasting infrastructure. The IBOC digital signal is placed within
the existing analog FM spectral emissions mask, and as a result IBOC is
proposed as the digital solution which may be implemented without the need for
new frequency allocations or without disruption to the existing broadcasting
It is proposed that
broadcasters use their existing transmission facilities and studio equipment
with only the addition of an IBOC exciter and, in limited cases, an upgrade to
the station transmitter.
IBOC Modes of
There are three IBOC modes of operation. IBOC
allows transition from analog to digital through a Hybrid and Extended Hybrid mode of operation, before adopting an All Digital mode of operation. The digital signal is
modulated onto a large number of subcarriers, using orthogonal frequency
division multiplexing (OFDM), which are transmitted simultaneously.
In this mode the digital
signal is inserted within a 69.041 kHz bandwidth, 129.361 kHz on either side of
the analog FM signal.
The IBOC Hybrid mode digital signal is
transmitted in sidebands either side of the analog FM signal and each sideband
is approximately 23 dB below the total power in the FM signal. The hybrid
sidebands are referred to a Primary Main (PM) sidebands.
The host analog signal may be mono or stereo,
and may include subsidiary communication channels. The total power of the
digital sidebands is 20 dB below the nominal power of the FM analog carrier
with power relative to the total analog FM power of .41.39 dB/kHz.
Hybrid Mode
This mode includes the hybrid mode and
additional digital signals are inserted closer to the analog signal, utilizing
a 27.617 kHz bandwidth, 101.744 kHz on either side of the analog FM signal.
The IBOC Extended Hybrid mode digital
sidebands are extended towards the analog FM signal to increase digital
capacity. The extended hybrid sidebands are referred to as Primary Extended
(PX) sidebands. The total power of the digital sidebands is 20 dB below the
nominal power of the FM analog carrier with power relative to total analog FM
power of .41.39 dB/kHz.
Digital Mode
This mode replaces the
analog signal with additional digital signals and also includes the digital
signals of the Hybrid and Extended Hybrid modes.
IBOC All Digital, the primary digital sidebands are extended as in IBOC
Extended Hybrid and the analog signal is removed and replaced by lower power
digital secondary sidebands, thus expanding the digital capacity. The total power
of the digital sidebands is 10 dB below the nominal power of the replaced FM
analog carrier with power relative to total analog FM power of .31.39 dB/kHz.
Of the above three IBOC modes, it should be noted that the only the IBOC Hybrid
Mode has been evaluated by the NRSC.
IBOC Capabilities
IBOC enables the broadcaster to select the desired audio quality
and data transmission rate however, as expected, there is a trade off between
audio quality and the data transmission rate.
The audio quality and data trade off in the three modes is
summarised in Table 1:
audio quality at 96 kb/s is near CD quality but in Hybrid mode this only allows
1 kb/s for data. IBOC allows the bit rate to be adjusted in 8 kb/s steps. By
transmitting audio at the satellite DARS3 bit rate of 64 kb/s, additional data
capacity, exceeding that of the current generation of mobile phones (9 .
19kb/s), is available. At times when audio quality is not as important, the
audio bit rate may be reduced to as low as 48 kb/s but audio quality will be
reduced to near telephone audio quality.
incorporates a 4.5 second delay between the analog and digital audio signals.
The receiver initially acquires the analog signal and takes a few seconds to
begin to decode the audio on the digital sidebands. If 10% of the digital data
blocks sent are corrupted during transmission, the IBOC receiver reverts to the
analog signal. This is referred to as the .blend-to-analog. feature of IBOC.
The blend process is perceived to have the same quality as the analog audio and
the process itself does not degrade the audio quality below that of analog.
tests indicate that Hybrid FM IBOC digital coverage is comparable to analog
coverage but IBOC reception can be obtained in areas where the analog service
is currently of an unacceptable quality due to interference such as co-channel
interference, impulse noise and multi-path fading.
enhancements claimed over traditional analog FM broadcasting include:
• almost full immunity from typical FM
multipath reception problems;
• significantly improved full stereo coverage;
• flexible datacasting opportunities: and
• efficient means for FM broadcasters to
begin the transition to digital broadcasting
• use of OFDM in IBOC allows on-channel
digital repeaters.
It is
expected that there will be a trade off in audio signal-to-noise ratios in some
areas where 1st adjacent (IBOC) stations overlap, but this is only expected
where 1st adjacent interference currently exists with adjacent channel analog
The ubiquity
field tests conducted with eight FM broadcasting stations in the US, concluded
that digital coverage with one hundredth the power (-20dB) of analog, extended
to the 45 - 50 dBu signal level.
The FM Spectral
Emissions mask
The emission standard for the Australian
Frequency Modulation Sound Broadcasting Service specifies the maximum values
for out-of-band and spurious outputs. This is referred to as the spectral
emissions mask .
RF Spectral Emissions Mask
This limits the out-of-band
and spurious outputs and restricts any emission appearing on a frequency
removed from the carrier. Between 120 kHz and 240 kHz, emissions are to be
attenuated by at least 25 dB below the level of the unmodulated carrier. Any
output appearing on a frequency removed from the carrier by more than 240 kHz,
up to and including 600 kHz, is to be attenuated by at least 35 dB below the
level of the unmodulated carrier. Any output aat a frequency removed from the
carrier by more than 600 kHz is to be attenuated by at least 43 + 10 logdB
(where P is transmitter power in watts) below the level of the unmodulated
carrier, or 80 dB whichever is the lesser attenuation.
three IBOC digital transmission modes are proposed to operate well below the FM
radio spectral emissions mask. The diagram above indicates the Hybrid Mode
within the FCC.s emissions mask.
IBOC Evaluation and Protection
between FM Services
testing of the Hybrid IBOC System was undertaken using the FCC.s required
protection ratios for the level of desired signal to the interferer (D/U) for a
desired signal of -62 dBm (54 dBuV/m).
FCC.s protection ratios considered during IBOC testing include a co-channel
desired-to-undesired (D/U) signal strength ratio of 20 dB; a first adjacent
channel D/U of 6 dB; and a second and third adjacent channel D/U of -40 dB.
desired or service signal strength is based on median f(50,50) field strength
and the undesired or interfering signal strength is based on median f(50,10)
field strength.4
recommends protection ratios5 of 45(37) dB6 for co-channel protection; 7(7) dB
for 200 kHz carrier frequency separations; and .20(-20) dB for 400 kHz carrier
frequency separations.
4 The
f(x,y) notation represents the field strength exceeded at x percent of
locations y percent of the time.
5 Rec.
ITU-R BS.412-9
6 Protection ratios for continuous (tropospheric)
protection ratios provide an approximate 50 dB audio signal-to-noise ratio7 for
stereophonic reception.
ratios used in Australia under the same conditions are based on the ITU
recommendations. The protection ratios adopted include 45(37) dB for co-channel
protection; 25(17) dB for 200 kHz carrier frequency separations; and -18(-18)
dB for 400 kHz carrier frequency separations.
IBOC Testing and Results
Advanced Television Technology Centre (ATTC) conducted compatibility testing of
the IBOC System and submitted its report8 to the NRSC. Again it should be noted
that this testing only included the IBOC Hybrid mode. The NRSC evaluated the
data provided by ATTC and concluded that:
• Listeners should not perceive an impact on
the analog host signal, nor on the analog signals of carriers that are either
co-channel or 2nd adjacent channel (+/- 400 kHz) with respect to the IBOC
• A limited number of listeners may perceive
an impact outside the protected area on the analog signals of carriers that are
1st adjacent channel (+/- 200 kHz) with respect to the IBOC signal.
Host Compatibility. The objective test results (attachment A) on IBOC interference to
the host analog, shows that there is negligible effect on very selective
receivers (automotive) but a reduction in audio signal-to- noise of up to 10
.15 dB can result with less selective receivers (home stereos and portable
outcome of the field tests resulted in ubiquity concluding that, with IBOC
turned on and off, listeners did not perceive any meaningful difference from
the introduction of IBOC.
First Adjacent
Channel Compatibility (200 kHz). The
ATTC objective test results on IBOC interference on a 1st adjacent channel
concluded that the addition of .22 dB digital sidebands on an adjacent analog
channel, with a D/U protection ratio of +6 dB, degrades the audio signal-to-
noise of the wanted analog service by an average of 4.2 dB.
In all
receiver types tested, it was identified from objective testing that analog
audio quality was reduced when IBOC digital sidebands were present on a 1st
adjacent channel. The NRSC specifically identified that the audio quality of
the analog aftermarket automotive radio, under moderate interference conditions
was reduced from good to poor.
test results indicate that there is some potential impact on analog first
adjacent channels, but analysis of listening patterns conclude the number of
affected listeners to be exceedingly small with, on average, only 0.6% of an FM
stations existing analog listeners experiencing any impact from the
introduction of IBOC.
NRSC identified that one of the greatest compatibility challenges facing FM
IBOC was addressing the 1st adjacent channel interference potential to an
existing analog service. This was after evaluating data in respect to moderate
interference (+16 to +6 dB D/U) from subjective evaluation of audio in the
field (speech programming).
outlined above, the interference levels on which FM services are planned in
Australia for 1st adjacent channels are 25 dB D/U for continuous interference
and 17 dB D/U for troposphere interference. The moderate interference signal of
+16 dB D/U used in IBOC tests, that causes a degrading of audio quality is very similar
to the protection requirement that required in Australian where +17 dB D/U is
required for protection against troposphere interference. Given a similar
protection ratio (D/U), it is assumed that subjective assessment of audio
quality with a moderate interference signal of +16 dB (D/U) would result in
similar results in Australian under troposphere interference conditions.
The objective test laboratory results for
receivers using +16 dB D/U and +6 dB D/U protections are included at Attachment
A. The analysis of the +16 dB D/U data gives a better indication as to the
impact that IBOC would have in Australia under troposphere interference
The test results show that with analog 1st
adjacent channel interference, at a D/U of +6 and +16 dB, there is no
difference in audio signal-to-noise with very selective receivers but the less
selective receivers benefit from the greater protection ratio (D/U).
With IBOC digital 1st adjacent channel
interference at 6 dB (D/U), there is approximately a 20 dB reduction in audio
signal-to-noise with very selective receivers whilst at 16 dB (D/U) there is an
approximate 10 dB reduction. This reduction becomes approximately 10 dB and 3
dB respectively when the channel is subject to Additive White Gaussian Noise
(AWGN) at a level of 30,000K9. The addition of a background noise component to
RF signals under test has been done to make the subjective evaluation more
realistic and comparable to .real world. conditions.
The NRSC concluded that the tradeoffs,
necessary for adoption of FM IBOC in the USA, are relatively minor. One
tradeoff identified is that that a small decrease in signal-to-noise will be
evident to some listeners in localized areas, where 1st adjacent stations
operating with the FM IBOC system, overlap the coverage of the desired analog
Second Adjacent Channel Compatibility (400 kHz). Results of these field tests mirror the host
compatibility results, indicating no meaningful difference in the analog signal
with the digital signal turned on and off.
The IBOC spectral emission, in all three
modes of operation, falls within the emission standard for the Australian FM
Sound Broadcasting Service.
Objective test results conclude that on
introduction of a Hybrid IBOC digital transmission there is potential for
reduction of the host analog audio quality in home stereo receivers and
portable radio receivers by a substantial reduction in the signal-to-noise.
This should not be noticeable in car radio receivers (very selective
receivers). Subjective assessments in the US broadcasting environment did not
perceive any meaningful difference from the introduction of IBOC on the host
analog audio quality.
Objective test results conclude that on
introduction of a Hybrid IBOC digital transmission there is potential for
reduction of the 1st adjacent analog audio quality, in car radio receivers, by
a reduction in the audio signal-to-noise. The reduction in audio quality was
recorded in objective test results and experienced in the subjective
assessments conducted in the US. This effect is not expected to be as great in
Australia as a higher protection ratio is used in planning for protection
against 1st adjacent channel interference. Nevertheless, objective and
subjective test results show that a reduction in audio signal-to-noise results,
and therefore the effect that this will have on Australian listening patterns
will need to be assessed.
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